Your human energy field is equipped to know the truth about anything that you choose to ask about. To utilize this ability you must learn to tune into the subtle energy that comprises your energy field or aura. To do this, sit comfortably and scan/feel the surface of your skin. Allow it to soften as you feel into it. Now feel the envelope of your aura extending out about 30 inches from your skin surface. Once your awareness is loosely focused here ask your question. If the answer is yes, your field will expand, move up and out and you will feel lighter and more expansive. If the answer is no, the opposite will happen. Your field will contract, move down and in and you will feel heavier and more contracted.
Just for Giggles: Say, "my name is __________ ___________". (Use your real name). Notice that your field will expand and you will feel lighter. Now say, "My name is Abraham Lincoln". Notice that your energy field will contract, feel more dense and/or move down.
This will happen every time as long as you are not being interfered with by some unbeneficial entity. To clear that interference, go to How to Clear Unbeneficial Entities. Then do this process.
So now you have a protocol to know if your are being interfered with and a second protocol to know the truth about any yes or no question. Now you can hone your skill in how to ask precise and meaningful yes or no questions.