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How to Clear Unbeneficial Entities

Updated: Jan 25

To clear unbeneficial entities, first tune into your Knowing. See How to Know the Truth About Anything. Once you are tuned into your energy (aura) ask “Who am I being right now?” If your energy field expands in this instance you have a hitchhiker connected to you that is capable of manipulating your thoughts and your emotions. To remove it, expand your field until it is as large and planet earth. Then expand it until it encompasses the whole solar system. At this level of spaciousness, the entity will have nothing to attach to because you are so vast. Tell it that your body belongs to you and you alone. Take a deep breath and forcefully blow out your mouth (like a dry spit). It should be gone now. Ask again “Who am I being right now?” Your aura should contract and move down and in. Now you are sitting in your own Divine Sovereignty and Divine Free Will. You can actually do this because you are an infinite being that exists beyond time and your main attribute spiritually is infinite space. You can choose to be that big. Doing so regularly can change your point of view about everything.

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