My Personal Points of View Regarding the Human Condition on the “Earth Plane”
Spiritually, we are all Infinite Beings who exist beyond time and space. To play, learn and create within this Universe requires us to incarnate into a particular reality. We do this on planet earth by creating a human body that is finely tuned to the physical, mental and emotional dimensions found here. We ourselves are the spiritual dimension. Actually, the same spiritual dimension that we are underlies all of Creation. Consider your body a remote viewing unit with which to experience the virtual reality called “life on earth”.
Now consider that your capacity to experience life here as paradise is limited by whatever energies you brought with you from all of your previous incarnations that were forms of self-limitation. Some of them are distorted conclusions that you erroneously thought to be true about you and life in general and some are judgmental projections from others that you took in as true about you that were not true. Together, these become the limiting and often self-sabotaging filters that you unconsciously use to create your life experience here. From these limiting filters, you will attract people and situations that are toxic and painful. To the extent that you brought energies that are true to your divine and infinite nature, those will serve you positively in all that you choose to experience and create.
The game here is to clear all the limitation out and begin to play, learn and create joyfully. This is where I come in. I consciously began my journey of self-discovery at age 27. Over the course of multiple decades, I have now accumulated the experience and wisdom to assist others with what I have discovered that actually does work and affects wonderful change and personal growth. My counseling work is effective in clearing out inner distortions to who you are and opening the channels to create and actualize your life on your own terms. My healing energy work takes place within the Tree of Life (Kabbalah) which exists within the infinite part of each of us. Recently, I was shown how to affect healing through Source Point, the singularity from which all Creation flows. The combination of these modalities allows for exciting and rapid transformation. Note: personal healing is a process and not an event. This form of Soul Healing takes place over time. After all, we are infinite beings.